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3 Ways to Enhance Engagement

To better engage with our guests we need to first engage with our own team. So go ahead and put on your “Growth Mindset Hat” and enjoy.

  1. Create a happy environment – Studies show by creating a happy environment Productivity increases 31%, Sales increase 33%, and Creativity increases 300%! Yes, these are results without providing any additional training or education. This is why the saying “Culture eats strategy for breakfast” rings true. We need to inspire each other, deliver spontaneous recognition, avoid the blame game, and treat all with Gratitude.
  2. Apply Structure – Install a sales process which is easy for guests to follow and easy for salespeople to believe in and understand. Once they believe in it, they own it. Be able to articulate a summary of that process on one page. Lack of structure often leads to confusion, and confusion is the worst “closer” in the business.
  3. Product Clarity – Do not fill a gap without looking at the big picture and adhering to your vision. Rally behind the strength of your brand and have each offering at each price point make sense. Use technology in the right places to build value and profitability. Yes, we can be profitable while offering a great value at the same time.

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